(translation: "Dark [Nuns'] Habits")
Total Rating: 
August 17, 2000
August 25, 2000
New York
New York
Frenesi Teatro Company
Theater Type: 
Teatro Armando Perez, Charas/El Bohio
Theater Address: 
605 East 9th Street
(212) 420-8877
Running Time: 
75 min
Matias O'Donnell
Matias O'Donnell

Appearances can be deceiving. What goes on inside the Convent of the Humiliated Redeemers may be shocking to anyone who doesn't know their Almodovar. Coke-snorting nuns that pen porn on the side are just the tip of the iceberg. When divine providence leads an egregious sinner in the guise of pop singer Yolanda (Lorena Arriagada) to the sisters, a massive show of hospitality ensues. The only problem is that Jolanda wants to go straight, an impossible goal among these perverted religionists. A subplot has curiously elegant Marquesa de Patagonia (Jose Miguel De La Cruz) in a vain attempt to recoup her daughter Virginia, who has escaped abroad. An unexpected inspection visit by Mother Superior Ramona (Paula Leoncini) momentarily clouds the scene. Luckily no one seems disposed toward anything but enjoyment of life, and all ends happily.

So much for the plot, but as in most Latin American theater it is the subtext that is key. Until recently there has been no way to effectively criticize the powers that-be in Chilean society, and some areas still remain off limits. This piece, developed by Matias O'Donnell with the Frenesi Teatro Company members, represents a small beginning in this regard. Habitos Oscuros -- a Spanish wordplay meaning "dark (nuns') habits" -- gets its message across clearly enough, but with a strong dose of humor.

Director O'Donnell shows his sure sense of comedy to keep the action from descending into the ridiculous. He makes an effective use of choreographed movement for the sisters: Ximena Rodriguez, Macarena Darrigrandi, Javiera Miranda and Erika Solar. Throughout the evening, Pablo Araya does some nifty improvisations on the bass. This young group truly radiates enthusiasm for the theater. Although Frenesi Teatro has been around for less than two years, lively productions like Habitos Oscuros should guarantee a long life.

Ximena Rodriguez (Madre Superiora), Lorena Arriagada (Yolanda), Macarena Darrigrandi (Sor Rata), Javiera Miranda (Sor Perdida), Erika Solar (Sor Estiercol), Paula Leoncini (Deeler/Madre Generala), Jose Miguel De La Cruz (Marquesa de Patagonia), Pablo Araya (Musician).
PR: Marisol Moncada
David Lipfert
Date Reviewed: 
August 2000