Total Rating: 
August 13, 2004
September 5, 2004
La Jolla
La Jolla Stage Company
Theater Type: 
La Jolla Playhouse - Mandell Weiss Forum
Theater Address: 
5661 La Jolla Boulevard
(858) 459-7773
Running Time: 
2 hrs
William Shakespeare
James Dublino

The joy of Shakespeare's comedies, such as As You Like It at La Jolla Stage Company, is just how much fun they can be. Here we have wedding and bedding of numerous lovely ladies, be they a Duke's daughter or a Shepardess. The stories can easily be related to, even with the passing of hundreds of years. James Dublino's direction allows the 16 cast members t to enjoy and broadly interpret their roles. They range from recent community college grads to seasoned pros.

Stan Madruga, as Orlando, who is madly in love with Rosalind, and Kelli Ruttle, as Rosalind and equally passionate about Orlando, are well contrasted professionally. (Madruga spends most of his time in New York and Los Angeles; however he has comes back to his roots these last two summers, while Ruttle graduated from SDSU as well as the British American Drama Academy in Oxford, England.) Talent-wise they are a matched pair. Madruga internalizes his character passionately, and Ruttle has a total understanding of Rosalind's motives.

The fight scene between Charles (Richard O'Casey) and Orlando is well staged. Patrick Wenk-Wolff makes a thoroughly menacing Duke Frederick. His lovely daughter, Celia, joyfully interpreted by Kim Hawkins, is the plotting, co-conspirator for Rosalind's schemes. Another delightful conspirator is Touchstone, the clown, well portrayed by Patricia Elmore Costa.

Walter Savelle's Old Adam amuses. Since director Dublino used the viewing area for entrances and exits,
Savelle has the opportunity to panhandle the audience at one point. It appears that the cast, which also includes Allison Dana, Katie Hunt, Thomas McCreary, Jeff Miller, Jon Kirby LeBorgne, Alia Pierson, Alveraz Ricardez, Tallia Cuellar, and Eric Wolford, truly enjoy their characters.

As You Like It,
while in period costumes, feels quite contemporary. The Bard's comedies definitely age well. Dublino's staging, from the forested stage to audience playing areas integrates the audience into the action, opening up the play well beyond the limitations of the stage.

Allison Dana, Katie Hunt, Kim Hawkins, Richard O'Casey, Thomas McCreary, Patrick Wenk-Wolff, Jeff Miller, Jon Kirby LeBorgne, Alia Pierson, Alveraz Ricardez, Stan Madruga, Tallia Cuellar, Kelli Ruttle, Eric Wolford, Walter Savell, Patricia Elmore Costa
Robert Hitchcox
Date Reviewed: 
August 2004