Dave's Gone By #557 (5/14/16): Sol n' Zal

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May 14, 2016 show #557 SOL N' ZAL

Featuring: Rabbi Sol Solomon interviews Yiddish music maven Zalmen Mlotek (National Yiddish Theater - Folksbiene). Plus: Greeley Crimes & Old Times, Inside Broadway, Saturday Segues (John n' Joey, In the News), Bob Dylan - Sooner & Later (blonde on blonde)

Guests: musician Zalmen Mlotek, Dave's wife Joyce

00:00:01 DAVE GOES IN w/ Joyce (technical difficulties, lightning)

Dave's Gone By #509 (5/16/15): Spank You Very Much

May 16, 2015 (show #509) SPANK YOU VERY MUCH

Featuring: Rabbi Sol Solomon chats with Betsy McFarland, Rabbi Sol's Rabbinical Reflection (Baby Names), The Wretched Pun of Destiny, My Sick Mind (Amtrak), Inside Broadway, Saturday Segues (In the News, Jonathan Richman), Greeley Crimes & Old Times, Dylan - Sooner & Later (Blonde on Blonde).

Host: Dave Lefkowitz

Guest: Betsy McFarland, Dave's wife Joyce