Program 4
Total Rating: 
Opened June 9, 2005
June 26, 2005
San Diego
Countywide Actors Association theaters
Theater Type: 
Lyceum Space
Theater Address: 
Horton Plaza
Running Time: 
2 hrs
various authors
various directors

Kids Fest - what a fun time! Is your child interested in theater? This is a fine opportunity to see kids in action for on five bucks.
Judge Jessica Tiny and the Gavel of Justice is produced and written by Cuauhtemoc Q. Kish with Robert Dahey directing. The cast includes Carlie Callahan, Marissa Millisic, Robert Dahey, Rhiannon Tylutki, Monique Gaffney and Kristina DeFratis. Bullies are a fact of school life. In primary school, a single bully can disrupt the lives of his or her classmates. Cassandra, the head of the pink society, denies admittance to a girl allegedly because she is not wearing pink. Meanwhile, Larry Loudmouth, a traditional male bully, berates a male student because he is overweight. Sadly, both events are common. This is what happens in this class until Judge Jessica Tiny puts peer justice into the mix.

Jessica Tiny, played by the very tiny Carlie Callahan, dons black robes with gavel in hand. She requires each of the miscreants to wear truth glasses so they cannot lie. Both, of course, admit their guilt and the judge metes out her verdict. Callahan is very small and very young and is a true star who can project when she remembers to. Judge Jessica Tiny and the Gavel of Justice is a delightful piece, capturing a moment in most of our lives. Would that there had been a Judge Jessica for us.

All the Time in the World is produced by the playwright, Francis Thumm and directed by Scott Feldsher. The cast includes Michael Cullen, Ian Brininstool, Michael Drummond, Allie Trimm, Morgan Hollingsworth, Paulina Stagter and Gerry Maxwell. This is a musical about a monster. We all know that, when we were very young, a monster lived under our bed, in the closet, or came through an open window. Douglas Lay is a truly scary green monster with a long tail and terrible claws. Kevin, a 14-year-old babysitter, is tasked with watching Barry and his baby brother, Lincoln. What happens is a nightmare for any sitter. Barry brings in a buddy to play and sing with. Kevin invites a couple of his friends over. A degree of mayhem results.

The program is short, so even the youngest of kids will not get uneasy, and there is enough fun and merriment on stage to keep them interested.

see review
Robert Hitchcox
Date Reviewed: 
June 2005