Total Rating: 
June 11, 2002
June 23, 2002
October 27, 2002
New York
New York
Benjamin Mordecai & Griffin Productions.
Theater Type: 
Variety Arts Theater
Theater Address: 
110 Third Avenue
(212) 239-6200
Running Time: 
2 hrs, 30 min
Thomas McCormack
Pamela Berlin

There are 11 different characters in Thomas McCormack's comedy-drama Endpapers, and, most astoundingly, they're played by 11 different actors. And no, it's not a musical. In an age when playwrights daren't pen anything with more than a half-dozen roles in it (because producers won't produce anything with more than a pocketful of Equity salaries attached to it) we're reminded of just how much breathing room a full-size cast gives a dramatist. Though more than 2 ½ hours long, Endpapers zips by, not just because it tells a good story of two senior editors pitted against each other for the top slot of a struggling book company; not just because the slick, conniving editor (played with panache by Tim Hopper -- his best role to date) may be right for the job while the workaholic, ethical one (Bruce McCarty, equally excellent) displays enough leadership flaws to make us question why we root for him; not just because the author's fondness for wordplay (apt for the setting) only rarely comes off as too glib for the room; and not just because the denouement ties everything up in a gentle and surprisingly logical way.

Endpapers also works because its author (whose decades as CEO of St. Martin's Press stole him away from playwriting) hasn't felt constrained by the newfangled penury of playmaking. If some supporting roles border on caricature (the two star clients of the firm shown here are a narcissistic, has-been actor-turned-autobiographer and a fey, Capote-esque quipmonger), the rest contribute to the milieu and enliven an atmosphere that would otherwise become hermetic.

To make a long manuscript short, Endpapers is a page-turner worth its weight in gold leaf.

Bruce McCarty, Pippa Pearthree, Neil Vipond, William Cain, Maria Thayer, Shannon Burkett, Beth Dixon, Alex Draper, Tim Hopper, Greg Salata, Oliver Wadsworth
Set: Neil Patel; Costumes: Amela Baksic; Lighting: Rui Rita; Sound: Ken Travis; prod. Man: Lankey & Limey, Ltd.; Casting: Janet Foster; PSM: Pamela Edington; PR: Cohn Davis Assoc; Marketing Dir: Jill Patton; GM: Roger Alan Gindi
Other Critics: 
PERFORMING ARTS INSIDER Richmond Shepard ! / TOTALTHEATER Simon Saltzman +
David Lefkowitz
Date Reviewed: 
July 2002