Dave's Gone By #250 (12/09/07): Baruch Who

December 9, 2007: Dave's Gone By #250 - Baruch Who

Featuring: Dave interviews Viacom founder Ralph Baruch. Plus: Call-ins, Inside Broadway

host: Dave Lefkowitz
guest: Viacom founder Ralph Baruch
Call-in Guests: Dave's dad, Philip Lefkowitz and Dave's wife, Joyce Weil

Dave's Gone By #116 (2/24/05): Treasure Jests

February 24, 2005: Dave's Gone By #116 - Treasure Jests

Featuring: Dave talks about being a "Radio Expert" and chats with his dad, Philip Lefkowitz. Plus: Storytime with Art Paul Schlosser's The Treasure.

host: Dave Lefkowitz

guests: Dave's dad, Philip Lefkowitz and singer-songwriter Art Paul Schlosser

Dave's Gone By #21 (2/23/03): Big Daddy

February 23, 2003: Dave's Gone By #21 - Big Daddy

Featuring: Dave celebrates his dad's birthday with Philip Lefkowitz. Plus: the satirical News Gone By and FEMA on the World Weird Web. 

host: Dave Lefkowitz
guest: Dave's dad, Philip Lefkowitz

00:00:01  DAVE GOES IN - Snow
00:31:00  NEWS GONE BY
00:58:00  GUEST: Philip Lefkowitz
01:15:00  DAVE GOES OUT

Dave's Gone By #208 (2/18/07): Ice Pop

February 18, 2007: Dave's Gone By #208 - Ice Pop

Featuring: Dave celebrates his dad's birthday with Philip Lefkowitz and his sister, Bonnie Pinkow. Plus: Inside Broadway & Dave Goes Off on the cold weather.

host: Dave Lefkowitz
guests: Dave's dad, Philip Lefkowitz, his sister, Bonnie Pinkow, and Dave's wife, Joyce Weil

Dave's Gone By #206 (2/4/07): Febru-wary

February 4, 2007: Dave's Gone By #206 - Febru-wary

Featuring: Dave chats with his dad, Philip Lefkowitz, and goes off on guerilla marketing. Plus the News Gone By, Inside Broadway (Grey Gardens & The Big Voice) and the skits, Filet Barbaro, Barbaro Glue and Phil Fur.

host: Dave Lefkowitz
guest co-host: Jeff Goodman
guests: Dave's wife, Joyce Weil, and his dad, Philip Lefkowitz
